I love Sci-fi

By far, my favorite genre is science fiction.  This is true of television, movies and literature.  I guess it is the true geek in me trying to get out.  I have fond memories of watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, a revamped version of an original, poorly received series that went on to gain a huge following.  Star Trek: TNG was a great series and its timing — as well as quality — won it a place in the hearts of many.  

Currently, my favorite sci-fi series is another remake of a series (this one appeared originally in the 70’s) that didn’t last long – Battlestar Galactica.  Like the original Star Trek, Battlestar also had an intense fan following its demise.  Perhaps the key to making a great, new sci-fi show is finding an old one. The current incarnation of Battlestar is really well-done and has kept me glued to my TV set every Friday night.  It is an production from the SciFi channel whose parent company owns the rights to the original series.  The show has a nice balance of special effects without overdoing (unlike the most recent Star Wars films).  Aside: I think the graphical technology has advanced far enough that the WOW factor is gone in many productions.  Special effects are expected to blend in the background becoming part of the tapestry of the work, rather than the showcase.  The show is dark and has done a good job of character development while consistently advancing the plot with plenty of action and twists.  I love it.  So, if you’re into sci-fi and you have cable or satellite access to the SciFi channel, I recommend checking it out.  By the way, I have the whole season recorded, so let me know if you missed an episode.

Recently the SciFi channel has aired a marathon of episodes from the original 1970’s series.  I dutifully tivo’ed about 8 of them.  I hope to enjoy them.  Curiously, I seem to have memories of watching some of the original shows back when I was a little kid, along with Buck Rogers and Lost in Space.  We’ll see if watching these old episodes jogs any memories.

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4 Responses to I love Sci-fi

  1. Hello, I was directed to your site through Ryan’s blog. Anyway, I just have to say I think that you and Mike were seperated at birth. He loves, loves, loves sci-fi too and we too Tivo all the battlestar stuff. I think you two would have a lot in common. Hope your job interview goes well. Amy (Inlow)

  2. Mike Godknecht says:

    Hopefully Lucas has watched this show and has taken notes on how to develop characters and not rely so much on whiz bang effects. I’m hoping this next movie and the TV shows will make me love star wars again. Not that I ever stopped by the way.

    Below is the talk about the new Star Wars tv shows now in development.


  3. Janelle Thurman says:

    Why didn’t your mother know you had a blog? I had to find it through Megan’s blog! I love these blogs – they make me feel like I’m getting to sit and talk with you. I think you got your love of sci-fi from Papaw. I like it, too, in movies and TV, but I’ve never really read a lot of sci-fi. I’ll have to try it.

  4. monitorhead says:

    If you’re going to try reading sci-fi, I would recommend the Dune series by Frank Herbert. I’ll bring Dune home in June and let you borrow it. Its sort of sci-fi/fantasy. I’ve really enjoyed the series.

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