Almost Dr. Derek

Today, I moved one big step closer to becoming a Ph.D. chemist.

In order to fulfill my degree requirements, I must research and prepare three original research propositions and defend them in front of my Ph.D. committee.  To complicate matters, one of the propositions must be outside of my field of study.  I have been working on these props since June.  This morning I sat in front of my committee to prove that I could recognize scientifcally significant problems and propose reasonable strategies to solve them.  In addition, I had to demonstrate my ability to defend my ideas in written and oral form.

I passed.  I have to make some revisions to one of my props (the out of field one, of course), but I passed.  Now, I need only to write my thesis before I officially become Dr. Derek. 

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2 Responses to Almost Dr. Derek

  1. Patrick says:

    Great work. You are almost there. You are that much closer to enjoying the beautiful weather of Houston.

  2. Janelle Thurman says:

    Yeah!!!! As always, I am so proud of you. I never had any doubt that you would pass this.

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