My online reunion

OK. So I’m no daily blogger. I give up.

I suppose I enjoy reading other people’s thoughts more than my own. But then, this might be true for other people too–people like you, dear reader. For a short time I thought I could blog every day (like Ryan used to do). Then, I decided it was more practical to blog at least once a week. Now I am struggling to keep a pace of one a month.

I suppose I could invoke that old addage about quality, not quantity. However, I just skimmed through my last few posts and reconsidered that notion. No, I can’t imagine anyone reading this blog because of its insightfulness or educational value. I’m not convinced that I even make this blog interesting (I try). Why then do you read?

I suppose it might be for a little glimpse into my life, a small connection, a stirred memory triggered by a turn of phrase. When I read blogs of my closest friends, I can almost hear them in my head relating their stories in that same old familiar way.  It’s like I am there. This must be what the attraction is in blogging–connection between reader and writer.

I managed to locate blogs of 5 old friends today. What a delight! I hope that my discovery leads to more connection. After all, I just convinced myself that blogging is fundamentally about connecting. Now I’m feeling a bit more motivated to post more often. Maybe I’ll blog everyday. We’ll see–I don’t even shave everyday.

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4 Responses to My online reunion

  1. monitorhead says:

    You hit the nail on the head. Blogging is about connection. When I read your blog and Megan’s, I feel like I’m participating in your life. I learn about what you’re doing and thinking. Makes the distance seem shorter! I’ll keep checking because I love it when I see something new.

  2. patrick says:

    glad to see that you are back in action again.

  3. Carissa says:

    I’m all for connecting, especially with those friends we’d not heard from in too long!
    Glad to have found you again!

  4. dmeador says:

    I’ve found it necessary to post a short comment as YOU, my friend, convinced me from our very short conversation to begin my very own attempt at online communication. Blessings to your blogging!

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